By Jc681
Hello I have a crepe myrtle hasn’t flowered for ten years since I bought it. Has leaves every year. It’s in full sun What next please. .?
Should I move it
13 Jun, 2020
Welcome to GoY, Jc!
It sounds like it should be blooming. Is it showing any other symptoms? Something like very slow growth, yellowish leaves with green veins, or brown edges to the leaves? Nitrogen deficiency, micronutrient deficiency, or high sodium content to the soil can prevent enough growth to support bloom, or make the buds abort. Here in the American desert, we use an acid forming , low phosphate fertilizer, and water deeply, but not too often, to prevent salt buildup.
Does it get sheared like a hedge or topiary, or is it possibly being grazed by something? The flower clusters form on the tips of new growth, so cutting those tips will prevent bloom.
One other thing that I should ask: is it in a container? Wilting easily occurs in a container, and will cause young flower buds to abort.
13 Jun, 2020