United Kingdom
Having grown both runner beans and stringless beans I have more than enough mature beans for next years sowing. Can I eat the remaining "seed beans". Are they toxin free?
10 Sep, 2010
my grandfather used to grow runner beans with white seed and he used to keep the seed, some for the following year and some he used to cook the same as you would butter beans, if that is any help to you
10 Sep, 2010
Runner beans seeds contain a hemagglutinin which is toxic, just a few being enough to cause stomach upset, and vomiting etc. I 've always eaten the young beans raw, it's one of the delights of early summer, but really, they should be cooked, to nullify the toxicity. Phil J
10 Sep, 2010
Well, we live and learn Phil! Pleased that you're still here to tell the tale. :-)))
11 Sep, 2010
Why would they be toxic? Beans are grown for eating...I'm a bit puzzled by your question. You eat the immature ones along with the outsides, don't you. I think the remaining seed beans might be a bit tough, though.
10 Sep, 2010