By Tetrarch
United Kingdom
Does anyone know anything about this plant. It looks like the plant Valadel has in her "Broken Pot". Dont know if it has a common name. Grass like leaves and a pale blue flower similar in shape and growth as Schitzostylis
On plant
orthrosanthus polystachyus
10 Sep, 2010
I grew one of the genus a few years ago but it was frost tender and I didnt realise so I lost it :o(
lovely plant though
10 Sep, 2010
thanks guys
11 Sep, 2010
I don't know that particular one, but we have Orthrosanthus latifolius (leastways that was what it came as, probably misnamed). They are basically Sisyrinchiums so growing conditions etc are the same for them as the latter.
10 Sep, 2010