By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
My husband persists in growing Little Gem lettuces every year. When picked though the leaves are limp and wilted yet he waters every evening. He transplants his seedlings into three and a half inch pots which is where they stay. What isn’t he doing right?
23 Jun, 2020
A 'Little Gem' plant needs about 15 cm of space, while full size Romaine lettuce plants need 30 cm each. The more sun and frost-free coolth they can get, the crisper they will be.
24 Jun, 2020
I am growing a Little Gem this year, and the leaves need to be picked first thing in the morning and kept in a glass of water in the refrigerator until you use them later in the day.
24 Jun, 2020
That’s an excellent tip, Wylie. Thank you. I have found that the leaves freshen up if left in a bowl of water but have never put them in the fridge. I’ll do that.
Thanks to all for your advice and comments.
25 Jun, 2020
we put lettuce, cabbage and broccoli in glasses of water on the window sill. The stem is cut fresh so they can take up water. They last an age like this and because they are getting light they can still photosynthesise. they last for ages [weeks].
25 Jun, 2020
It just shows you’re never too old to learn!
Many thanks.
25 Jun, 2020
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they are staying in too small a pot. ideally they need more space and out in the open ground. I find home grown little jem is softer than shop bought ones. I don't know why.
23 Jun, 2020