By Missmuck1
United Kingdom
hi all,i mentioned earlier that i had a problem with clear jelly looking goo.iv'e been out and removed all of this,do you think it will come back.?and what caused or causes this
19 Aug, 2008
maybe ur rite hedgehogg it could be the compost, that makes sense coz my neighbour used the same stuff and she was growing stuff in containers.thanks for ur reply
19 Aug, 2008
If the pieces are cup shaped and approximately a centimetre across it is probably a Fungus like the one which comes up in one of my paths, after they have flooded either from over watering or excessive rain., in which case it may appear again
19 Aug, 2008
they add it to some compost its like crystals when dry and swells up just like clear jelly when wet. check your packet it should say if its added
19 Aug, 2008
I could be from a really big slug. Do you use slug pellets? If so, when they're dieing, big slugs produce enormous quantities of mucus. This can sometimes dry out and then when it rains, it gets rehydrated and the stuff reappears. Yuck....
20 Aug, 2008
Just wondering if its from your bags of compost because it could be water retaining jelly. Or do you think its something else?
19 Aug, 2008