By Joanairey
United Kingdom
Freezing Tomatoes. I am going to have a surfeit of tomatoes and have heard that you can freeze them. However, their usage seems rather limited and they are bound to be very watery. Has anyone had any success freezing tomatoes and what did you do with them??
29 Jun, 2020
Thanks, Thepoisonga. I was wondering whether they could be a substitute for tinned toms or if they would be even thinner and tasteless.
29 Jun, 2020
I've been freezing them for years as I always grow a lot, I freeze plum ones whole, also G' delight, Alicante and Moneymaker I do cut the larger ones in half, my daughter makes a lot of soups and pasta meals so I weigh and bag the amounts needed for various recipes before placing in the freezer, I've learnt over the years that if I defrost in the microwave for a few seconds before cooking, I can drain the water off, I've never found them to be tasteless but naturally that would be down to personal taste, I'm still using up last years crop...
29 Jun, 2020
I usually make tomato sauce first and freeze that.
29 Jun, 2020
We've been freezing whole tomatoes for years. They end up like snooker balls but we use them in soups, stews and Bolognese. We just put them in a freezer bag, use a tie to keep them confined and put them straight in the freezer. They still taste good. Wouldn't defrost and eat them cold though.
30 Jun, 2020
Thanks all of you for your suggestions. I will most likely try them for soups and napolitan sauces.
30 Jun, 2020
I've been freezing for years, same method as Arbuthnot, wash, open freeze whole on tray, then bag like frozen marbles
I just bung in soups & stew without defrosting. Use the same as tinned ones
I'm not bothered with skins on but I guess if not liked it could be tiresome picking skins out
30 Jun, 2020
If you put them through a food mill, the skins and most of the seeds will be removed, but I don't mind the skins either.
30 Jun, 2020
Thanks for rejoining Bathgate and thanks too Grandad_gar. It's good to get feedback from those more experienced. It's just that last year I had some toms stolen and want to avoid leaving them for too long so was considering bringing them in and freezing.
30 Jun, 2020
That's a whole different ballgame. In that case I would install a spy cam and catch the jerk.
30 Jun, 2020
It's actually a jerkess, Bathgate! Just someone who thinks she's owed. I was still interested in trying to freeze them though.
30 Jun, 2020
I freeze tomatoes all the time but only because they are starting to go soft and if I leave them another day they'll need throwing out.
In desperation, the other day, I did use a couple, chopped up, when I was serving salad but there's no way I could have sliced them.
Usually, I throw them in with mince rather than use tinned or roast them for about twenty minutes with other veg.
I don't recommend doing it other than to reduce waste.
29 Jun, 2020