By Pathumwan
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Good Afternoon Bamboo, Well I finally managed it two photos for you to look at, hope you get them.
- 3 Jul, 2020
Thank you for that Bamboo, I can now look it up.
3 Jul, 2020
I've never been sure whether these count as wild flowers or garden ones, but who cares anyway since a weed is only a plant growing in the wrong place.
3 Jul, 2020
Thank you for that Steragram2 how right you are, I will leave the plant where it is and maybe get some young plants next year to move about the garden.
4 Jul, 2020
They tend to seed around a bit Path, so they may do that little job for you! (But they have not much idea of where a suitable place might be...)
4 Jul, 2020
The leaves seem a little too broad for Calylophus serrulatus, it has really narrow leaves in comparison - yours is probably one of the Oenothera, and these can pop up on their own. I'd keep it anyway!
3 Jul, 2020