By Bubbie
United States
I found these pink pellet like balls around my vegetables...what could they be?

13 Jul, 2020
Hee, hee, Sbg! Most of us here in the States don't even know what a Blancmange is! :)
I think that you're right about slime mold, though it's an unusual color. Some bacterial colonies look like that, too.
Now I have to look something up. Hmmm...starts with Blan....
14 Jul, 2020
I was going to say Angel Delight or Instant Whip but thought blancmange being an 'old' dessert would be known. :o))
So what do you call a whipped milk pudding that isn't a real mousse? It took me years to sort out jello was jelly and jelly was a clear fruitless jam. So confusing and they say we have a common language. haha
14 Jul, 2020
Grief. Haven't had Blancmange since I stopped going to Sunday School Christmas parties.
Basically it is Jello whisked up with milk.
14 Jul, 2020
Its more depressing than that.
And honestly don't bother trying to make it - its the most gloomy dessert you could think of (imho) .
The stuff in the photo does looks fungal and if you put pink slime mould into google you'll get rather more images than you really wanted, lol. I'd give you the link but it was very very long - says its encouraged by being very damp and that you can get rid with vinegar and/or by scraping it off..
14 Jul, 2020
Anyway, welcome to GoY, Bubbie, and best wishes!
Neither slime mold nor the possible bacterial colony are likely to harm you or the plants, and can just be scraped up and thrown away. Generally, slime molds mean that there is a little too much chunky wood in the planting mix, while bacteria mean a little too much animal protein or urea in the fertilizer you are using. Both can be limited by increasing the diversity of the soil flora. Compost tea and earthworm castings are good for that.
15 Jul, 2020
they could be a slime mould producing its fruiting body [ a bit like a mushroom]
unless you have a child that has spat out their strawberry Blancmange amongst your veg.
welcome to GoY too.
13 Jul, 2020