By Pdb
United Kingdom
Could anyone advise me if I could prune my rose back by more than half as it has produced no leaves on the lower half at all this year. Or do I need to wait till the appropriate time of year. I have tried to add a photo but I’m having a little trouble. The rose stands about 6 ft and don’t know the name of it as it was in the house when we bought it. Many thanks
17 Jul, 2020
Previous question
that kind of harder pruning is best done last week of February or first week of March, depending on the weather; that is the time to prune HT, climbing and floribunda roses, when you'd normally remove any damaged, dead, diseased, weak or crossing stems to improve air flow to the rose. Cut back to outward facing growth buds using sharp, clean secateurs or loppers for thicker stems, making a slightly angled, clean cut facing down from the growth bud to allow rain to run off They also benefit from application of a specialist rose food such as Toprose in mid April, with a second application 6 weeks later; also mulching with composted manure or good garden compost in April/early May, onto damp soil.
17 Jul, 2020