By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
I took cuttings of Dianthus daiquiri at least a month ago. They doubled in height and looked very healthy so I offered them to friends before I potted them on. When I teased them out I was very surprised to find that there wasn’t a root on any of them. They now don’t look quite as healthy as they did before. Was I too hasty?
18 Jul, 2020
Thanks, Jimmy. I thought I’d done something wrong even though I’ve taken loads of cuttings before. I had already pinched out the tops several weeks ago but I’ve just done it again. I guess my friends won’t be receiving them any time soon!
19 Jul, 2020
I regularly take cuttings of Dianthus and I have had the same problem in a few cases. What works best for me is to grow them with bottom heat in a propagator and use hormone rooting powder. I would also recommend that as soon as they start to grow that you pinch the growing tips out.
18 Jul, 2020