By Hywel
I recently bought this Camelia which I planted in a pot but the branches are lanky and it hasn't got any buds for next year.
Should I cut it back and how can I get it to flower next year ?

31 Jul, 2020
Thank you ...
It gets some late evening sun.
Should I feed it with anything ?
31 Jul, 2020
No, don't feed it now Hywel, its a bit late - just keep it well watered and, as Seaburngirl says, prune it back next year, around May or early June, well after its flowered.
31 Jul, 2020
Thank you both, I shall follow your advice :)
31 Jul, 2020
the buds should start forming from August onwards but it needs plenty of water to do that successfully. Prune it back after flowering next spring.
how much light does it actually get, it looks to be in a vey shady spot.
31 Jul, 2020