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Cheshire, United Kingdom

We have 2 kitchen windows that are north facing & 1 in particular gets early morning light. Cuttings in water are here as are a primrose(non stop flowering),herbs,a spider plant, 2 aloe vera & a large oleander & a quiet mother in law's tongue. No curtain ensures maximum light & really the risk of frost is small.
We have a table 2 ft away from drafty patio doors & I'm baby sitting a ficus,ancient peace lilly,orchid & spider plant with my 45 yr old m in law's tongue. We draw the curtain most nights......
When the plants go home I fancy a reshuffle.
We have a big south facing window & often we do not notice flowering cacti & african violets straight away.Flowering orchids are away from direct light on a table & others in a light alcove. I think I might shuffle the orchids. I'm currently bringing on geraniums & kalanchoe at the sunny end. Some suculents find it too hot but in the main its OK.
Really I guess things will change thro Autumn & First Frost. Some plants have been in the same spot for several yrs so I guess "why move" if its OK.
Getting plants to reflower is the key.
I have 2 calla lillies brought in from outside ....1 flowering & a young bleeding heart with nice red brackets.
....So any changes?



Not sure what you are asking Bill. But don't try to rooting succulents like Aloe vera in water- they will tend to rot before rooting. Insert them dry into very gritty compost and don't water them until they have roots. African violets seem to do better on a North windowsill, surprisingly.
Most herbs like lots of sun.

3 Aug, 2020


Oddly enough an african violet leaf broke off & the cutting in water rooted

3 Aug, 2020


better use of light was what i was after really....not sure about aloe vera on a north with oleander.....orchids struggle to reflower except 1

3 Aug, 2020


Sorry - misunderstood you there. Aloe vera would appreciate more sun. Can't comment on the other two.

3 Aug, 2020


Oleander needs sun to bloom, too.

4 Aug, 2020


The allo allo & oleander are parked up. The soil mix on oleander is bad & its not flowered this year but everything else on south window sill is no room

5 Aug, 2020

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