By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Advice on Coreopsis'Limerock ruby' and 'Limerock passion' please...
I have bought both perennials today but, after reading up on them I am wondering if they will indeed be in their description.
I have heard that a lot are lost over winter as they rot in the middle...? Has anyone any experience of them? Would they fare better in pots and could I put both in one large pot?
Any advice appreciated. Thank you again.
11 Sep, 2010
They don't like wet/cold roots, Izzy, and I've lost them in the past here - in mildish West Somerset, not many miles away from Louise! It really does depend on your own situation, I'm afraid.
I'm going to try cutting mine back and mulching over the roots this year - to see if that helps.
11 Sep, 2010
Hmmmm! This seems to be the general opinion of friends as well. It was suggested that I should put them in pots now and then put them in the greenhouse for the winter...wet/cold roots problem here apparently. Last winter was exceptional, I know, but it COULD happen again, I suppose!
Thank you both.;-))
11 Sep, 2010
Why not? Do let us know if they come through OK...
11 Sep, 2010
Will do! They are still in flower as I speak. Thanks again.
13 Sep, 2010
I got advice from a Nursery owner at that plant fair - she said NOT to cut them back, but leave the top growth on which gives some protection in the winter, just as you do with Penstemons. So I'll try that with mine, I think.
15 Sep, 2010
I wondered about that, SH. I potted them up and have left the top growth on. They are still flowering so will leave them. It might afford them some protection.
I've grown Pentsemons for the first time this year but remembered you said last year NOT to cut them back till Spring! :-))
15 Sep, 2010
Spot on. That works for me - I just lost a couple of new ones last year - all the others were fine!
And yes, I'm leaving mine too.
15 Sep, 2010
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I think be guided by your gardens site and position and the degree of cold your area has.
In 'this' region and in my own garden they're hardy but i think we need to take these things, into account, on a far more personal scale than before because what 'i' can overwinter her, a person in the next town sometimes can't - let alone another county, so be guided by the first points, Izzy :-))
11 Sep, 2010