By Bepo
United Kingdom
Please, opinions/preferences on runner beans white flowers or red flowers? (In respect of growing rather than eating please)
9 Aug, 2020
Probably the variety is more important than the flower colour.
9 Aug, 2020
Thank you for your replies, just one thing in particular, I have grown both this year and, so far, the reds are more productive while the whites are a better quality. Anyone else found that?.
9 Aug, 2020
that's interesting
9 Aug, 2020
I've read the birds prefer the red flowers but leave the white alone
I've never had bird problems though
Of course you could sit on the fence & grow St George
I tried those but not impressed
White Emergo I liked but I've tried loads over my growing decades and TBH there were good & bad years with all varieties
10 Aug, 2020
Thank you for your replies folks, any information is good.
10 Aug, 2020
I would plant both red & white without giving it much thought. In my experience, the best ones are always from cross-pollination. The bees are experts at that, so just leave it to nature.
10 Aug, 2020
This year I have pink ones - very pretty but no scent and the set is pathetic so far.
10 Aug, 2020
Lack of pollination Sue?
10 Aug, 2020
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« Can anyone tell what’s that on my Azalea branches and is it harmful
I grow both and to be honest I have not noticed any preference by any insects or on the crop from each group.
9 Aug, 2020