By Moped
United Kingdom
Hi. I have a beautiful gazania from which I would like to take cuttings. I am unsure as to which type of propagation to use and would be grateful for some help. It is just over a year old and has grown by about 3 times in width so I am pretty sure it is a perennial and hasnt been grown as an annual.
19 Aug, 2020
Thank you once again Seaburngirl. You always come to my aid.
19 Aug, 2020
This is the RHS advice
I would take a few root cuttings and a few stems now. then in the spring as it comes back into growth take new stem cuttings.
You could also lift the whole plant into a large pot in the autumn in a frost free environment and when it comes into growth in the spring take stem cuttings.
put the cuttings into a gritty compost and keep barely moist to encourage root growth.
19 Aug, 2020