United Kingdom
How and when to take cuttings from Solanum Jasminoides Album
12 Sep, 2010
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United Kingdom
How and when to take cuttings from Solanum Jasminoides Album
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I would take semi-softwood cuttings in spring, 2-3 leaves long, remove the lowermost leaf, dip that end in rooting hormone powder, put it in moist vermiculite, and cover the pot with a plastic bag with a few pinholes for air. After 3-4 weeks, new sprouts should appear, and you can take off the bag for 10-20 minutes at a time, GRADUALLY increasing the time out until it can stay out all the time. Then gradually get it used to sun until it can go in it's permanent spot. Since the vericulite is sterile, liquid plant food will be needed until it's replanted into soil--usually once it's out of the bag.
24 Sep, 2010