By Green70
United Kingdom
Any suggestions please on treating my greenhouse when empty, glass has been thoroughly cleaned but need something to purify soil maybe a smoke bomb or similar. Thank you. Sheila
23 Aug, 2020
Thank you for your help,yes we grow tomatoes in the soil we have always had success with our crops but this year very disappointing for the first time so now all plants are out,so are just cleaning for future growing.Thank you.
24 Aug, 2020
Unless your soil is infested with blight, I would just work some gypsum into it, or lime, instead, if the soil is very acidic. Streptomyces lydicus inocculent is also a good thing to add, if it is available. If blight is a problem, then stronger measures are called for, but I would have to research that more, since, by my memory, they involve Jeyes fluid, and are "kill or cure" operations. Other nutrients to add: potash, possibly from washed seaweed, and magnesium, from small amounts of Epsom salt. If the vines had poor growth and the older leaves turned yellowish quickly last year, they might have been nitrogen deficient. The remedy is a slow nitrogen source, such as barbershop hair, or hoof, horn, and hide meal. It's best to be a bit stingy with nitrogen on tomatoes, or you may wind up with a huge crop of leaves, and only a few fruit.
24 Aug, 2020
do you add any soil improvers [rotted manure/homemade compost etc] if not then there are probably less nutrients to support growth. dig the soil out and replace with fresh. That's what we used to do but in the last 20 yrs we have grown the tomatoes in large pots using growbag compost. we then feed fortnightly once the first flower trusses form.
I wonder if the watering regime has been compromised with the fluctuations in the temp and sunshine and amount of rain in the subsoil next to the greenhouse. Certainly we have had to do extra watering early on when normally we wouldn't have too.
24 Aug, 2020
Tugbrethil Thank you for your help and suggestions will try some of these tips. Sheila
25 Aug, 2020
Seaburngirl Thank you for your helpful suggestions. Sheila
25 Aug, 2020
Are plants going to be grown in the soil, Green70, or is it simply the floor of the greenhouse?
23 Aug, 2020