By Robpratt
United Kingdom
Hi just a quick question. I have a member of the sedum family growing in my garden. And would like to know is it poisonous to my new puppy as I'd keeps eating it? For the past 2 weeks has had an upset stomach. All I'm trying to do is trace what could be causing it . Pm its a game me eliminating. Many thanks Rob
12 Sep, 2010
Help if we knew which Sedum you have, but none of them are really toxic.
12 Sep, 2010
Friend of mine had exactly the same problem with her dog. What is it about sedum?! Must be nice and chewy. Certainly peppery. Not a cocker spaniel, is it? Phil J
12 Sep, 2010
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Some sedums are actually edible, others not so much, but generally they contain substances which make them quite peppery, and may cause stomach upset.
12 Sep, 2010