By Lemnos
United Kingdom
I have a few acers / Japanese maples hanging over my fence both left and right side. Can I take advantage of the trees and propagate them from cuttings?
Do they ever have off shoots growing near the base?
25 Aug, 2020
Many thanks Bathgate I’ll look into it.
26 Aug, 2020
they are rather slow from cuttings and not as successful as other shrubs but this is a you tube link. you take the cutting material in May ie soft/semi ripe
the RHS recommends layering
none of my acers in the past ever produced shoots from below soil level though.
26 Aug, 2020
Many thanks for you reply
26 Aug, 2020
You can surely try. Study the technique very carefully then give it a go. The practice has become industry standard it seems as I see online with all the big plant dealers and wholesalers. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
26 Aug, 2020