By Stu
United Kingdom
We have noticed these shoots on our Day Lillies, never seen them before!. if they were cut off under them will they grow???

31 Aug, 2020
Hi, many thanks for your reply, much appreciated! Well I didn't think they would produce their own shoots . . . . great we will wait until the spring.
31 Aug, 2020
I've asked this very question last year. Here you can read my thread and responses. I've tried planting them, but they didn't take. That could be my fault. listen to SBG above.
read this:
1 Sep, 2020
Many thanks Bathgate . . . . . well I'll give it a try !
1 Sep, 2020
They are called proliferations and are a genetic match to the parent plant. Wait until roots start forming, and then cut it about 2" below so there is some support when you put it in soil. You can plant them in the fall and protect them from frost.
1 Sep, 2020
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they often do this, I leave them until they start to produce their own roots and I find if I take them off in spring the grow ok. Never tried doing them any earlier.
31 Aug, 2020