By Barbaraf
United Kingdom
I have a wisteria, over 10 years old, which flowers brilliantly but is now out of control, growing into gutters etc. I have followed advice on pruning over the years but there are now thick, heavy branches over the trellis which are pulling it off the wall - do I just cut these? I have already pruned the lower part of the plant.
12 Sep, 2010
And get it out of the gutters! I've just rescued my house from the grasp of my wisteria, for the umpteenth time in 20 years. It's amazing how far into the dark recesses of the innards of the roof those stems will explore. Phil J
12 Sep, 2010
Previous question
Pruning should be done in August, but its not too late to do it now - shorten all laterals (side shoots) by half, or a quarter of their length, depending how much room you have for the plant, then shorten them again in mid February if necessary.
12 Sep, 2010