East Sussex,
United Kingdom
how do i treat dolycoris baccarum ( sloe bug) on my raspberries
12 Sep, 2010
and if the id is correct this is one of the less common species.
12 Sep, 2010
Isn't Google wonderful Sbg? Wouldn't have had a clue what this was until I googled it though I do have an overview/generalistic knowledge of many insects and insect groups to hazard a guess on this.....once I found out that it was a Shield Bug!
12 Sep, 2010
I have a guide leaflet from the fsc and it is one that we thought we had so I did recognise the name from before. but no it wasnt.
still havent id the hawk moth catterpillar and it has disappeared now. eyed hawk moth still the nearest id.
12 Sep, 2010
Previous question
I don't think Shield Bugs are normally that much of a problem Guest. I may be wrong here but apart from the slightly more sedentary nymphs I wouldn't bother unless you are overrun with them? The adults move around much more of course.
12 Sep, 2010