By Bathgate
New York,
United States
Sage - Annual or Perennial? I know this is such a simple question, but is my sage plant an annual or perennial. It was included in a flat of annuals when I bought it. Will it be coming back next year?

15 Oct, 2020
Thank You. I like the silver fuzzy leaves and I actually use it in cooking.
15 Oct, 2020
if it is culinary sage and it looks like it then it is a perennial and becomes woody over time. so you can prune it and leave the stems to dry so you can have dried sage in your store cupboard. I usually take cuttings mid summer to ensure I have plenty of it.
there are many non culinary sages [salvia] and they can be annual or perennial.
15 Oct, 2020
I don't know what kind of sage this is. I hope it's culinary because I stuffed a chicken with it and for lemonade. I also plan to purge my house of evil spirits on Halloween with my black cat ;). How can I tell what type of sage this is? It came from the supermarket in a flat with some annuls.
15 Oct, 2020
g oing by the leaf structure it looks like culinary sage. best thing is too look at fresh leaves in the herbs section of a supermarket or garden centre.
16 Oct, 2020
OK will do, thanks Eilieen
16 Oct, 2020
Previous question
My Sages come up every year & I would think that this one will too.
15 Oct, 2020