By Ostrich
East northants,
United Kingdom
I have just removed a clematis from a southwest facing corner & want to put a fast growing but non-invasive climber in its place. I think virginia creeper would be too rampant so could anyone suggest an alternative but attractive plant. There is a chinese variety with attractive Autumn foliage but that requires North or east facing aspect. I do not want another clematis.
15 Oct, 2020
an evergreen honeysuckle like Lonicera henryii would do well though it would take a year to settle in before taking off.
16 Oct, 2020
Thanks ...looked up the potato vine...poisonous to dogs though. I omitted to say I had a dog!! O/W looks nice. Honey suckle I have elsewhere, but thank you.
16 Oct, 2020
how about one of the evergreen clematis like armandi? there leaves look different too. That's the perk of these evergreen ones over their deciduous ones. I love my evergreen honeysuckle as the leaves and flowers look different.
21 Oct, 2020
Something quick to establish that is more of a climbing shrub would be solanum glasnevin, this really does hit the ground running, lovely foliage and purple flowers, I think it’s known as the potato vine, yes it can be really quick growing but responds well to heavy pruning to keep it in check, sadly I don’t see this much nowadays.
15 Oct, 2020