By Solada
United Kingdom
I have noticed that the leaves on some of my bushes have brown marks on,could this be because of all the rain we have had lately, have never had this before.
Also,a young plant,has got Mark's on.
Suggestions please

18 Oct, 2020
Thank you.the brown leaves have only appeared during the last week,so can put that down to the weather.My laurels are the same.
All the best
19 Oct, 2020
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« Hi all, is it necessary to seal off the top of a glass terranium?
The upper picture looks like drought or salt damage to me, Solada. if the former, the damage was probably done well before the rain, and you are just now noticing it. The latter is possible if there were high winds with the rain, and the plant is near the coast.
The lower picture looks like mechanical damage, as done by wind, kids, dogs, clumsy friends and neighbors, etc. :)
18 Oct, 2020