By Alanjones93
United Kingdom
are tares used for fishing and green manuretares the same thing
13 Sep, 2010
What on earth are tares ?
I cannot get this conversation to make any sense.
Help needed !
14 Sep, 2010
Sorry, Louise! The Tares used for green manure and bait are a kind of Vetch (Vicia sativa), also used for livestock feed. The Tares of the Bible are believed to be a large annual Ryegrass, also known as Darnel, or Cockle, which is a weed in grain fields, and is an alternate host of the ergot fungus. Ergot is an infamous parasite of grains, containing a poison similar to LSD--it used to cause no end of trouble in the Middle Ages! Hope that helps.
14 Sep, 2010
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Whew! After a good deal of research, Alan, I can say yes, they are the same, though I wouldn't bet on the germination rate or quality of those sold for bait. Not to be confused with the weed of wheat fields that often carries ergot fungus!
13 Sep, 2010