By Lize
United Kingdom
Has anyone dealt with GARDENING EXPRESS?
14 Sep, 2010
Every site which has a Retailer Feedback area contains complaints about this Company, more so than any other.
14 Sep, 2010
Really ?????
I didn't know that, if only i had, i'd not have used them.
14 Sep, 2010
I find Suttons good value on line and the help and feedback very good but I agree if youve been let down try a companies feedback .They want you as acustomer and will help resolve a prob it might be a one off.Be careful some companies are not plant companies they are bona fide delivery ones picking your order up from whereever and give the impression of some vast garden nusery or Garden Centre
15 Sep, 2010
Chega, i thought Suttons just sold seeds though ?
Whatsmore, i 'did' try the companies 'contact us' route but they ignored every correspondence i sent them so clearly not a 'one-off'.
I think when a company does this they're not interested in resolving anything - their stance is take your money and run attitude instead.
Lize, have these comments helped you ?
15 Sep, 2010
Louise, Suttons supply a lot of seeds to Garden Centres,B&Q and simlar but they have awebsite on line shopping,I thiought I would purchase a selection of bedding this year.It was abit daunting as they were small plugs with another two varieties free all for less thn £20 they did ok and all the bedding did well.I Agree though it sounds like some like grdening express to be avoided.Suttons have thier own email back service you can email concerns or probs ,they are very good. Sounds like G.Express to be avoided though
15 Sep, 2010
Suttons don't sell a wide selection of everyday plants though do they ?
You can't get good selections of perennials from them - which to my mind are the mainstay of most gardens - after the trees and shrubs, of course.
I wish Lize would come back to her post :-/
16 Sep, 2010
Louise just recived Suttons Autumn2010 brochure but not actully read it yet,but I can tell you it contains Perrenials,bulbs,winter,spring bedding,fruit trees,bushes,veg.Like i mentioned they didnt let me down in qual. and value with the summer bedding plugs.The website right were is Lize?
16 Sep, 2010
GaedeningExpress is the paradise of Gardening plants. They got huge quantity of plants to buy. They have gathered a good reputation on their service as well. Such a fast dynamic service. I am glad to be a customer of it. I found a convenience support and from them which is quite different from others.
17 Sep, 2011
Speaking from experience Gardening Express are overpriced and their customer service was absolutely appalling.
I wouldn't recommend them to a soul.
Everyday garden centres beat them on both counts hands-down.
18 Sep, 2011
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Yes, i have, Lize.
I was 'not' impressed either.
I buy from quite a lot of online companies - for plants and non gardening purchases and this lot stink !
I bought 2 plants from them which i thought i couldn't get anywhere else, be it a nearby Garden Centre or online place, and their prices are very, very expensive.
I found the plants 'at' a nearby GC a couple of weeks later 'and' at a slightly lower price for a 'larger' plant !
I emailed them, via their 'contact us' facility, asking a couple of questions and they didn't 'ever' bother to reply.
I thought their overall product and service was very poor indeed and wouldn't recommend them to a soul.
There are far better companies out there to buy plants from.
I actually wrote a blog about the best companies (in my own opinion) so if you get the time have a quick look at it.
Which plants are you interested in buying, by the way, maybe i/we could give you somemore ideas about suppliers.
14 Sep, 2010