By 18021950
United Kingdom
Autumn Leaves, how can I compost these, what nutrients would they add to my flower bed soil, if I use in Spring, what is the best and cheapest way to compost the mountains of leaves I have at this time of the year- Thank you
14 Sep, 2010
I keep mine separate in black bags that have been stabbed with a garden fork, to make leaf mould. All my leaves would take up too much space in the compost bin.
14 Sep, 2010
Just avoid sycamore. it's not friendly on the compost heap. Phil J
14 Sep, 2010
I put mine in black bags after making them wet and stab with a fork to allow air in and leave them in a cool shady place in the garden to rot down it takes 18 months to 2 years (under a hedge works well). You cannot put many in your compost bin as leaves need cold to rot down and garden compost needs heat. Fungi is what leaves need but they are quite slow workers, it does not need worms or activators though. When well rotted down I use mine as a mulch, is quite low in nutrients, so is good for seed sowing or as a soil improver. I have a lot of leaves each year and find this works well for me.
14 Sep, 2010
I have a small garden but with a hazel and laburnum. Some leaves are layered into the compost, and the rest are put on the ground under the shrubs at the back and side of the garden.They just vanish into the soil over winter, and give their nutrients back to the soil. I will look at the ideas about leafmold as suggested by Drc and look at Spritz's blog.
15 Sep, 2010
Do a google custom search in the top right hand box of this page for Spritzhenry - she has a blog called Black Gold which was done about this time last year, describing exactly how to deal with leaves for leaf compost purposes.
14 Sep, 2010