By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
Please could anyone recommend a clematis (or maybe another climber) for an east facing face? Many thanks!
20 Nov, 2020
Thanks Bathgate. I just looked it up and it says it is ‘compact’, growing up to 8’. I want something to grow along a 12’ fence. Otherwise it sounds perfect, I especially like the fact that it has white flowers, which would look lovely against the dark fence.
20 Nov, 2020
I have 'Guernsey Cream' against an east-facing wall. Although websites state 6 to 8 feet, mine made 12 feet until I cut it back
20 Nov, 2020
Thank you!
21 Nov, 2020
I had thought of planting the clematis at one end of the fence, where we took out an old gate post. But I’ve had a second thought; if I plant it in the middle of the fence, I could train it left and right. So a shorter growing clematis would be OK! Why didn’t I think of that before....?
21 Nov, 2020
That's a good idea - or just get two clematis plants. Send one left and the other right.
24 Nov, 2020
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My favorite one is'Ms. Bateman'. I love the huge white blooms with purple centers and when you go out into the garden at night - how they glow in the moonlight just dreamy.
20 Nov, 2020