United Kingdom
Another ID please.
Spotted on my morning walk, I think it may be Daphne but checking on line they seem to be evergreen, this one has lost it's leaves & just has the flowers

29 Nov, 2020
yes it is one of the viburnums but as owd says it could be one of many varieties.
they are nice shrubs.
29 Nov, 2020
Rather like Viburnum × bodnantense 'Charles Lamont' or Ferrier
29 Nov, 2020
Definitey Viburnum bodnantense, I used to have one.
29 Nov, 2020
Thank you everyone
30 Nov, 2020
I too have a Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' but mine is much more pink than the picture, The others I think are paler. Difficult as they all have same shape flowers and branches but slightly different flower colour.
30 Nov, 2020
Previous question
Looks like Viburnum to me. Various types flower now without any leaves.
29 Nov, 2020