By Sting
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me what the plant is called in the photo please? Its really tall (about 8ft or more) and has enormous leaves. My neighbour has it too but she doesnt know what its called either!

14 Sep, 2010
If its the leaf thats nearer the left about 2 inches up from the bottom of the picture nd 1.5 from left, then I think its a Macleya possible M. cordata.
Grows very tall and has large ish leaves.
Type it into a search engine to see...
14 Sep, 2010
Thank you so much Nickyt - its the Macleaya microcarpa 'Spetchley Ruby' also known as Plume Poppy - I've been trying to find the name of this for ages
14 Sep, 2010
a closeup of the leaves & flower would help please
14 Sep, 2010