By Anget
United Kingdom
Can anyone suggest a pyracantha which has good berries for birds and a good colour?
I have 'Red Column' which I love but the birds seem to completely disregard it!
4 Dec, 2020
Funny thing. Our neighbours Pyracanthas (red, orange, yellow) are now berryless. The birds have demolished them. However the Cotoneaster berries are rarely if ever eaten by any of the birds round here.
Rowan berries go instantly.
4 Dec, 2020
Thanks, both. Interesting. My rowan berries go as soon as they're ripe, and I have a cheapie red pyracantha from a supermarket that has mean little infrequent red berries that the blackbirds strip instantly but it was unnamed and is dreary.
Perhaps all the wildlife books are fibbing! I've read that birds love 'Red Column'. Not in my garden they don't!
4 Dec, 2020
Been looking through our records and sadly we do not seem to have made a note of the varieties we had in the other garden. Sorry.
4 Dec, 2020
If you Google Pyracantha AGM the RHS website has a few which have been given the Award of gardening merit.
4 Dec, 2020
'Golden sun' is an orangey yellow berried form that has always done really well for us. I have another called Mohave which is a more orange red berry. It isn't in such a good position but both have their berries taken mainly by blackbirds, thrushes and redwings.
Rowan, Pyracantha and the Cottoneasters are taken in that order. Skimmia rarely get eaten in the early winter. Not sure about the holly as neighbours often "acquire" it when I am not looking!.
4 Dec, 2020
Thank you all.
5 Dec, 2020
I have an unknown yellow berried one, normally laden with berries and stripped by birds every year, including this one
I have read birds don't go for yellow berries but the birds here don't seem to read the same books I do
Not much help with identifying the variety though
5 Dec, 2020
Here in Arizona, 'Victory' seems to be the favorite with the birds. They'll also eat 'Graberi', but only after a sharp frost, which we don't always get, anymore.
5 Dec, 2020
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They do say that the berries of pyracantha are a delicacy for birds, to be honest I rarely see birds eating the berries, some gardens have pyracantha that cascade with so many and that’s how they stay through the winter, I have noticed on some of the orange charmers that the blackbirds will take them, I do see blackbirds gorging on cotoneaster and Rowans.
4 Dec, 2020