By Arechis
United Kingdom
I am cleaning out the pots from the terrace, left by the previous tenants. I found all of these bulbs, with roots, in one of the pots. What are they and what should I do with them -- isn't it early for bulbs to be in the ground and forming roots?
- 15 Sep, 2010
Thanks! I think I'll put them back in pots - if you think that would work?
15 Sep, 2010
Yes, I'm sure it would. Fresh compost, plant about 4" deep, with something pretty on the top, like winter pansies, and you're away. Good luck. :-)
15 Sep, 2010
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No - some people start planting bulbs for the spring in August. Have you got a spare piece of garden where you could re-plant them? I can't tell what they are - possibly mini-Narcissi - but they look firm and healthy, so you might get some lovely spring flowers!
15 Sep, 2010