By Christine67
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I feed goldfinches niger seeds in my garden.
Can anyone help me. Has anyone got an idea how to stop the seeds from growing in my borders under the bird tables?? Obviously I need some kind of contraption to catch the seeds.!! thanks in anticipation of a favourable reply.CHRISTINE
15 Sep, 2010
Thanks for your reply. However I omitted to say that we DO use the special feeders, the birds seem to "spit" out some of the seeds..also with the seeds being so very tiny...quite a lot fall on to the soil..resulting in a "forest" of seedlings that need removing regularly.,,as they grow amongst the flowers. The birds do pick some up off the ground but don't get them all.!!!.We really need some sort of "upside down" umbrella or similar... to catch them before they get to the borders !! LOL....Any ideas please ?
15 Sep, 2010
Well you have stumped me now !!!!!! Not sure what to suggest, maybe move the feeder on to a path or lay a membrane under the feeder to catch the seed or simply let the niger grow their flowers are delightful!!! Lol
15 Sep, 2010
Doves and mice seem to clear away the "droppings" for me, just a thought but would a hanging basket (lined) do the trick?
15 Sep, 2010
I was glad to see this question as I bought a special Niger seed feeder, hung it up with the other seed and peanut feeders, sited on the lawn and now have a dreadful mess all over that area of grass ! I've actually given up with Niger seed now. : o (((((
15 Sep, 2010
It's recommended siting feeders 'away' from decent ground/soil/lawn because of the mess etc.
However, there 'are' feeders on the market that do indeed have a little saucer around the base to stop the bits from dropping to the ground.
The finches are renowned for removing outers and bits before swallowing !!!
15 Sep, 2010
I have used a transparent plastic mixing bowl - you can burn a hole in the bottom and with a bit of wire and ingenuity suspend it from the feeder to catch most of the rejects, doesn't look very pretty, but you feed the birds, so don't give up oh! and put in a few holes in bottom again with heated skewer, so the rain doesn't collect
15 Sep, 2010
TO:- GRANDMAGE,,,DIDO..SHIRLEY TULIP...LOUISE....AND QUEENIE. Thank you all for your replies...was confident of some suggestions...THANKS TO YOU ALL. What a marvelous website!!!!!! Think we will try and "stick" some sort of large plastic dish/plate onto the bottom of the feeders....hopefully a neutral as not to frighten the birds..we must have had about forty round one feeder this morning!!! what a sight they are!!l Will see if it works anyway...might have to resort to the mixing bowl Queenie..couldn't put concrete slabs down amongst the flowers in the border Grandmage...and once did put a membrane down....and oh what a slimyu mess...I will keep you informed ...thanks again...C
15 Sep, 2010
we had such a job clearing the mess they left( ended up with a carpet of weeds that went about 2 " deep) that I now only feed them sunflower hearts.A little more expensive but they enjoy them just as much
15 Sep, 2010
It should also be possible to buy niger seed that has been heat treated not to sprout, though that is more expensive.
15 Sep, 2010
We have our seed feeders over clear soil under a hawthorn tree and I just keep the hoe going. Pigeons and doves,are always pecking under the feeders, but unable to eat everthing the sparrows sling around. We have changed over to hulled sunflower seeds, but still have some mixed seed to go. I disposed of a lot of black sunflower seeds in a local park where there are a lot of squirrels. They soon came galloping over and seemed to like them. We bought a bag by mistake!
16 Sep, 2010
Unfortunately today I saw a fluffed up greenfinch perched in a bush and later lying on the path. I think he died of that disease that has spread from pigeons, so I'll have to have a clean up tomorrow. Its not long since I did the cylinder feeders. They are very fidgety to clean too. I will clean out the 2 birdbaths and not use them for a while. They think it might spread from saliva when they dip their beaks in the water. They can't swallow as the throat swells
17 Sep, 2010
Previous question
You can buy a special 'niger' feeder that has smaller holes so the seed does not fall out!!
15 Sep, 2010