By Tyke_uk
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi ,just wondering if this set up would work, I have a slim 100 litre water butt ( plenty of drainage holes drilled in it ) i intend to put this inside an old whisky barrel then grow a zephirine drouhin climbing rose . Would a 100 litre be sufficient to grow this if i feed it well? Many thanks.
27 Dec, 2020
Remember that the whiskey barrel has to drain, as well. Roses won't grow in a festering, anoxic bog.
27 Dec, 2020
Whiskey barrel has no top or bottom in it ! The well drained water butt sits inside the wooden barrel containing the rose. Which will be well fed !!
28 Dec, 2020
Okay...the picture that I am getting now, is an empty rain butt with holes, embedded in potting compost in a well drained rain barrel, with the rose planted in the compost. Is that correct?
28 Dec, 2020
It’s a empty wooden whiskey barrel no top no bottom. Inside this is a 100 litre plastic water butt filled with manure , john innes no3 and multi purpose compost with drainage holes drilled in it . Inside the plastic hope to grow the rose .
28 Dec, 2020
Obviously my imagination needs a tune-up! :)
That sounds pretty good, to me. Where I live, I'd have to leave out the manure, since that is a little strong when the temps go over 45º C. It should work better in the UK, though.
28 Dec, 2020
Agree about leaving out the manure initially. You could top dress it with well matured manure after a while, eg after the first year. Incidentally there will be enough fertilizer in the John Innes for several months so you won't need to feed straight away. My preference for fertilizer then would be a specialised rose food rather than a general one which might have too much nitrogen and not enough potash..
Also make sure the water can drain away from the barrel or the wood might start to rot.
28 Dec, 2020
Many thanks
28 Dec, 2020
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As long as the drainage holes don't get clogged up and blocked then yes it will work. Remember to feed the plant though as it wont get any replenishment of nutrients unless you provide them.
27 Dec, 2020