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Disappearing Photo's again..


By Bloomer

yorkshire, United Kingdom

Disappearing Photo's again ! Is this happening to anyone else? Mine started last night,and still the same this morning..
Apparently,it isn't only me,as Amy 2 has just been in contact,and it's the same for her too.

I have had no problems at all ,since switching from Google Chrome,to Microsoft Edge, so I have no idea how to restore them again..any ideas,please ?



Hi Sandra I've spent hours today trying to get my photos back without any luck ,I hadn't had any problems since switching to Microsoft Edge either until last night , what is going on ?

24 Jan, 2021


Me too,Amy.Shirley is also having the same problem.see her blog today. xx

24 Jan, 2021


Same here ladies, last night I logged on to GoY, then clicked Microsoft Edge to access photos and . . . nothing! Well, I can read the text but cannot enjoy the photos or see avatars, same problem as a few months ago. I have used the 'Contact us' facility to e-mail and have not received a response yet. I really hope 'normal service' resumes soon!!

24 Jan, 2021


Sandra, we must be on here at the same time! I am here to get away from footie live on TV . . . :o) x

Just noticed on the 'Edit comment' option, the yellow tick that should show up is nowhere to be seen. Gremlins mucking about methinks!

24 Jan, 2021


Hi Shirley,I don't usually 'log out',but I did, a few times to day, but on trying Microsoft Edge again,it looked like I was still 'logged in' each time ,so I was able to look at posts ,blogs etc straight away ,very strange !
Thanks for trying to contact someone, we will just have to wait and see what happens next...or not ! Meanwhile ,I'll let you get back to the Football ..Lol.xx

24 Jan, 2021


Nice to know its not only our problem but doesn't solve it , the last time this happened the ' Contact us ' wasn't any help ... I'm hoping it returns to normal asap but i'm not very hopeful :o)

24 Jan, 2021


Morning all, Dave replied this morning to my query from yesterday and says his pics are still there and can only assume it's down to the browser again. He suggested using Safari so I will ask daughter to assist me with that later.

25 Jan, 2021


Hi Shirley,I have just seen Amy 2's comment on her blog,.and it seems she has got her photo's back,by going back to her old Browser?and was going to try to post a photo,to see if it works..I have tried 'Safari' ,but all it did, was to come up with 'You are already on Microsoft Edge ' ! So.that's even more confusing .:o(.

25 Jan, 2021


Sandra, just back from our daily walk to see if pics have returned on here. Not yet, but Sarah told me earlier that Safari is compatible with Apple software so no good for us, or yourself it seems!

However, she reckons I can safely download Firefox, it's free (my favourite word) and see if that works. About to try it so will report back - I may be some time!

25 Jan, 2021


I am very happy to report that I have now downloaded Firefox and can see all the pics and avatars as per normal . . . hooray!!

Sandra, give it a try and see how impressed your daughter will be with you! . . . :o))

25 Jan, 2021


Ah,I did see something about Apple,but me no understand ! Lol. ,that's a great help ,so i'll have a try at downloading Firefox ..I did use that before,when I was on Windows 7? you are a clever techie ,after all,it seems.. ha ha :o)

25 Jan, 2021


Sandra, if only I were ... I was sitting in front of the screen hoping I wasn't going to lose anything important in lieu of getting back to pics on GoY. The thought of losing Favourites and having to start over ... doesn't bear thinking about!

25 Jan, 2021


Yippee ! I've done it,and all photo's are back ! I felt the same,Shirley,a bit nervous about losing anything that I need to keep,and I shall do a thorough check,once I've finished my Cappuccino and Shortbread Biscuit! Well,a girl has to have something to celebrate in Lockdown..Ha Ha xx

25 Jan, 2021


Well done Sandra, I shall tell Sarah that she is a good I.T. Support to the older generation, ha ha!

Now that's not fair Sandra, you know I'm not eating yummy stuff at the moment. A Ginger Snap biccie with a coffee is about my indulgence today!

25 Jan, 2021


Actually,I'm glad in a way,as I had got used to Firefox,and it's the same format as before,so I feel more comfortable with the layout. big thanks to Sarah for her help,I won't need to ask my Techie expert now..Lol

Re the yummy stuff.. it really was very nice,no guilt pangs whatsoever !! ha ha.. x

25 Jan, 2021



25 Jan, 2021


Hi everyone, I have been having the same problem with missing pictures over the past couple of days. This happened before. I was using google chrome and the problem was sorted when I switched to microsoft edge, but now it has happened again! I tried re installing google chrome yesterday.....but no good. So I am going to try firefox and hope that sorts out the problem, fingers crossed.

25 Jan, 2021


Success!! Thanks to all your above comments, I have just managed to download firefox and can now see the photos again....for how long??Thanks to you all.

25 Jan, 2021


I think we have cracked it this time,let's hope it stays this way now. :o)

25 Jan, 2021


Well done Numbersfarm . . . we got there eventually!

26 Jan, 2021


I'm on Firefox as well now , thanks for all the input and thanks to Sandra ...

26 Jan, 2021


Numbersfarn, you asked the same question as I did when I got the photos back - how long for? I couldn't see them on Firefox or Chrome, only on my Ipad which uses Safari. No problem at all there but the ipad isn't as user friendly for me as a proper keyboard.Then all of a sudden I could see the pix on both Chrome and FF on my laptop. I assumed GOY had done something but obviously not since so many of you have had the same trouble.

Let's hope that we can all now see pictures all the time.

29 Jan, 2021

How do I say thanks?

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