By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Geranium maculatum..
i feel sure someone asked a question about their care recently...but cannot find any reference to it.
Mine are very leggy...toppling all over the place! I feel I should have cut them back last Autumn and this would not have happened! They have not been as prolific this year....WHAT do I do with them in Autumn to rectify this for next year?
Thanks folks...
On plant
Geranium maculatum
16 Sep, 2010
They are still flowering SH! Is that normal? LOL. They're almost all lying on the ground as they are so straggly...I thought it was odd!
Soooo...leave till Spring then...will do.
16 Sep, 2010
Well! They must like your garden! Mine aren't. Boo hoo! ;-)
16 Sep, 2010
If you give them a haircut now they should put on new green leaf and look tidy over winter. They will then flower again in spring. I prune my geraniums immediately after flowering and they will often flower again about 4-6 weeks later. If they're leggy then I prune them again about now.
16 Sep, 2010
The only ones that don't flower again are G x magnificum. I do cut them back though, as Anchorman says, to tidy them - they grow fresh leaves and look better.
16 Sep, 2010
OK....think I'm going to prune them NOW then...they look so straggly and untidy....I'm itching to do so!LOL. I can't bear it!
Thank you both....:-)))
16 Sep, 2010
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It's more usual to cut them back after they've flowered, Izzy - so earlier than this, in mid-summer. Then you'd get a new flush of leaves and possibly even a few flowers! You can lift and divide them in the spring if they're big clumps.
16 Sep, 2010