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Black spot Please can I have some advice on roses black spot

Norfolk , United Kingdom

Black spot

Please can I have some advice on roses black spot. I have been spraying Rose Clear Ultra fortnightly as suggested by a member last year but the problem is coming back again. The rose is in a sunny position and I am worried it might spread the black spot go the other 4 roses I have in the the same area. Is there anything else I can do or should I hard prune this rose?

Thank you!



The problem does recur. You can help a bit by picking off and destroying affected leaves and also picking up the fallen leaves in autumn as the disease overwinters on them. Hard pruning is unlikely to help and sadly it is entirely possible that it may spread to the other roses, though I think some are more susceptible than others.But be aware that Rose Clear contains a systemic insecticide. Picking off affected leaves as soon as the trouble appears may keep it under control enough to avoid having to spray regularly as a routine
For myself I prefer to tolerate a little rather than spray a lot.

5 Apr, 2021


Have you tried corn meal the stuff the Asians make bread out of give the rose a handful now then once a month through the growing season works for me good luck 👍

5 Apr, 2021

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