United Kingdom
what should I use to kill ivy?
- 17 Sep, 2010
Must have looked like a copper hedgehog! Phil J
17 Sep, 2010
There is a product 'Ivy Killer' available in the shops. I have found it effective.
18 Sep, 2010
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« Any tips on over wintering Fuchia plants would be appreciated please.? I have...
Every means possible!!
If it is big enough to have a trunk, sever it from the rest of the plant and use a root killer. I had to remove it from one of our dry stone walls, so digging the trunk out wasn't an option. I pulled as much off of and from the wall as possible, but as I didn't want to pull the wall down large chunks were left in the wall. So to stop it coming back from these remnants, I drove as many copper nails in to them as I could. This was five years ago now, and it hasn't returned!
17 Sep, 2010