United Kingdom
when is a good time to move a young choisya
18 Sep, 2010
i'm glad you gave that advice as i have just planted out 2 rooted cuttings
18 Sep, 2010
Hope they're big enough to cope with whatever winter chucks at us this year, Diadon!
18 Sep, 2010
As Bamboo implies very small choisya ( and occasionally bigger ones in exposed places) can be damaged or even killed by sharp frosts . Several of my customers choisyas (particularly the golden leaved variety) were badly affected by last years hard winter. I think you would be wise to protect the cuttings with some garden fleece when very cold weather is expected.
18 Sep, 2010
they are between 10 and 15 inches high, and in sheltered spots so hope fully they should be okay. thanks for the tip on fleece.
23 Sep, 2010
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Now up till winter.
18 Sep, 2010