By Petitebabe
United Kingdom
please can you help me i dug my potatoes up 2 days ago and i have put them out to dry on newspaper. They still aren't dry! I know the scab on them doesn't help the scab bits are taking longer to dry. How long does it take for the potatoes to dry? I 'm worried that they will start going green. How long does it take them to go green?
On plant
maris piper
18 Sep, 2010
potatoes definately go green if you let light get to them even after digging them up. i know because some of mine went green and they were buried far enough down not to go green in my garden. I don't have a fridge drawer big enough! wish i did!
21 Sep, 2010
If light getting to them is a problem, can you try putting them in a sack made of thick paper? If I buy potatoes in slightly larger quantity from our farm shop they are sold in a sack. If you don't have a cellar, try the cupboard under the stairs if it's not too warm? Or out in the shed?
22 Sep, 2010
Thanx i have for now put them in the hessian sacks and put them in my understairs cupboard which is in fact my larder with the door tightly shut! I'm not sure what temperature my larder is but i could put my greenhouse thermometer in there and see!
22 Sep, 2010
ps don't have room for a shed in my garden. My greenhouse is the smallest lean to one you can get!
22 Sep, 2010
I don't think they're likely to go green now are they? As I understood it, the green patches on some are due to not having been properly earthed up while the plant was still growing.
Did you wash them before putting on newspaper? I did with ours, then dried with a cloth & popped them in fridge veg drawer, they seem fine. As for the scab bits, I just gently scrubbed those away.
18 Sep, 2010