By Baggy99
United Kingdom
Will my bulbs survive if I top up the soil level?
I planted a new bed last year with daffs, scilla siberica, winter aconites, anemonies and crocuses. They made a wonderful show over the last spring, BUT the soil level has since dropped and I need to top it up by about 4 - 6". I know daffs have the ability to lift themselves back to the correct level, but do the other bulbs? I really don't want to have to lift them all and replant!
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
19 Sep, 2010
I'm somewhat puzzled - if the soil level has dropped by 4-6 inches, surely your bulbs are now exposed, or much closer to the surface than they originally were? I'm also curious as to why its dropped by so much - did you dig the whole thing, plant immediately without letting it settle? Even if you did, 6 inches drop seems rather a lot.
19 Sep, 2010
I'd not lift them most can cope with being a little deeper.
19 Sep, 2010
Thanks for the replies. To clarify for "bamboo", yes I planted shortly after filling the bed with quite a rich compost mix. Obviously the worms and the weather have got at it, hence the drop. The bulbs have dropped with it, so they are quite happy at the mo, but given that I can now see the sides of the pocket (it's a planting pocket in my decking) it needs filling up again.
19 Sep, 2010
Previous question
19 Sep, 2010