Hello,Our grass is suddenly being invaded by a "weed" or growth which is spreading quite rapidly
By Stewarthyder
United Kingdom
Our grass is suddenly being invaded by a "weed" or growth which is spreading quite rapidly. I have included a photo and would be grateful if anyone could advise what this may be and how it could be eradicated. Thank you Stewart Hyder
Hello all,
Thank you for responses. Have added a closer view of the growth, hope that helps. The original photo was taken 2 days ago. Not having the best of noses I would say the leaves have a very faint almost minty smell.
Hope this helps

19 Sep, 2010
could it be violet foliage at a push?
20 Sep, 2010
Its possible. Pity the picture wasn't closer for a more informed answer.
20 Sep, 2010
It's not ground ivy, is it? Do the leaves smell 'herby'? Phil J
20 Sep, 2010
It is Glechoma I think Phil. You are right. The leaves have a horrible smell too I think!
Thanks for posting the closer picture Stewart.
21 Sep, 2010
Thank you your interest and comments. I suppose the obvious next question is if this was your problem what would you do to eliminate it (assuming that it can be eliminated). Having looked at a few websites they list any number of possible treatments but all state that it may take several attempts to control the growth. The options are a little bewildering hence my question.
Thanks in advance
22 Sep, 2010
Verdone Extra should clear it.
22 Sep, 2010
Hi Fractal,
23 Sep, 2010
When was this photo taken? It looks like Lesser Celendine but those would have died back by now.
20 Sep, 2010