By Pobrien
County Antrim,
United Kingdom
I have lots of hanging baskets and tubs that are now coming to the end of their season. What can I do with the root bound compost that remains in the baskets and containers? Would putting them in my raised vegetable beds be OK?
21 Sep, 2010
I agree with Dr Bob, but if you don't want to grow anything in them over the winter then yes it's fine to put on your veg plot - that's what I do!
21 Sep, 2010
Using the same compost for more than one planting can eventually cause disease problems, though. I would toss it on the garden.
22 Sep, 2010
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Probien, Welcome to GOY,yes, but it will still grow your spring flowers and bulbs. Take the compost out, mix it up to break up all the roots, replace it in the baskets and tubs, top up with some fresh compost, plant up and you will find there is enough nutrients left to grow the plants and bulbs through the autumn and winter.
21 Sep, 2010