By Pdb
Lancashire, United Kingdom
I dug my daffy's up this year and put them in buckets. I am about to replant them but they are wet. Shall I dry them out in the greenhouse first or will they be ok to plant immediately.
- 22 Sep, 2010
I hope you didn't dig them up before six weeks had elapsed between flowering and removing. If you did, you might find they're blind next spring. Best left in the soil anyway, frankly, Pdb - if they're in pots, you can still plant summer stuff in the same pot, leaving the bulbs in situ.
22 Sep, 2010
No I let them die back before lifting them. Yes the ones I have in pots I do leave to put my summer plants in but the ones in the ground seemed to be in the way. Thanks for your answers.
23 Sep, 2010
Oh and I'd plant them wet, checking for rotten ones as you go. They're gonna get wet in the ground anyway...
23 Sep, 2010
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Think I would dry them out first it wont take long then they can be re-planted!
22 Sep, 2010