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By Guest
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United States Us

I am always excited to visit this blog in the evenings.Please churning hold the contents. It is very entertaining.



well it's nice of you to say so Guest from over the pond but if I may say so we seem to be encountering a bit of a language barrier ?? Not quite sure what your second sentance means. Keep visiting us though & maybe share some of your garden photo's with us. Keep well.

22 Sep, 2010


Why dont you join us? We have many friends from all around the world !

22 Sep, 2010


Bamboo and I have just been exchanging thoughts about differences in language, so I would love to know what you mean by churning hold - please?
And yes as Grandmage says do join as a member, then you can use the site fully and you won't regret it. It's very informative and friendly.

22 Sep, 2010


Churning is either making butter or brokers seeking to make excessive commission on a clients account by doing more trades than they should...... or something like that. What is exciting is trying to work out what you mean!!!!!!

23 Sep, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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