United States
I picked my seed pods on my lupines before they turned brown, so the seeds are still green inside. Am I still able to plant them and will they grow?
1 Jul, 2021
The lupins may well throw up another spike, if so you will have time to let them mature on the plant this time
1 Jul, 2021
Scribble, My lupins in a pot do grow new blooms after I cut it back. You could leave some of these to ripen.
1 Jul, 2021
Wait until the seed pods turn brown and crispy
2 Jul, 2021
welcome to GoY.
they will probably not germinate sadly. But there is no harm in trying. Usually the final drying out stage is the important part for maturing the embryo in the seed. It depends on how far off to this last stage the pods were.
1 Jul, 2021