By Poundy
United States
I have a hinnomaki yellow gooseberry , it is two years old the fruits are very small instead of being large,will it be ok to take it out and replant it in a big tub where it can get plenty of light . Thank you
15 Jul, 2021
I wonder if small fruit is down to variety?
I have a red hinnomaki and it also has small fruit, despite publicity blurbs showing otherwise
To be fair mine is also not in an ideal spot, I was considering taking cuttings or layering rather then move it
My other idea was just get another variety known to have decent sized fruit
16 Jul, 2021
My gooseberry that usually bears lots of good sized fruits has only small ones this year. I'm pretty sure its been due to the dry weather.
19 Jul, 2021
Previous question
I would wait until early autumn before moving it. The problem with it being in a tub will be to keep it well watered though.
has it had plenty of water through the flowering phase and fruit forming phase. That is usually the cause of smaller fruit.
16 Jul, 2021