By Retiredlady
Dorset, United Kingdom
Has anybody ever grown a hardy,fragrant ginger plant in a tub? I'd like to try but have no idea whether to buy bulbs or a plant, which species and what size tub etc. Has anybody any advice please?
On plant
- 25 Sep, 2010
I note you live in Dorset, but even so, as far as I'm aware there are no gingers which will survive a winter outside in this country. Hedychium 'Tara' though may survive in the ground, if in a sheltered, dryish spot and protected during winter with fleece, etc.
25 Sep, 2010
Depends on which Ginger. Roscoea's are pretty hardy. The trouble with pots is that the roots/rhizome can get frosted in winter killing the plant. Putting it in the ground is always a better option unless you move the pot into a cold greenhouse that doesn't get too cold.
As to which Ginger? Sheltered spot in the ground, a couple of the Hedychium's are fine if given a heavy mulch to protect them. Roscoea's are pretty hardy and come through most winters fine though again a mulch can help. Cautleya is another genus with a couple that will be ok if sheltered and mulched. Alpinia is regarded as another relatively hardy genus with A. japonica being the hardiest (as long as planted). This one even remains evergreen to -7!
The only ones that will be ok in pots left outside though are the Roscoea's and even these will die if we get another winter like we have just had.
25 Sep, 2010
Just noticed you said fragrant!!!
Hedychium then.
As said above 'Tara' is pretty hardy. On a par are also the clones 'Golden Butterflies', 'Gold Flame', 'Daniel Weeks', 'Filigree', 'Dave Case' and 'Double Eagle'.
25 Sep, 2010
if its in said pot you can bring it indoors thow surley .
25 Sep, 2010
Yes, nosey, you can. I touched on that at the start of my main piece :-)
25 Sep, 2010
sorry fractal my mistake .
26 Sep, 2010
Thanks for all the replies. It sounds as though I need to give it a bit more thought before I jump in.
26 Sep, 2010
well time thinking can save a lot of time and money so its always worth it and you have all winter to .
26 Sep, 2010
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i think you can grow anything in a tub if its the right size and normaly the bigger the better .i dont realy know much more . if you dont get an answer hear just google the plants name .
25 Sep, 2010