West Sussex, United Kingdom
Please see attached photos of a 'purple' smoke bush - please can you identify the problem - progressive brown 'dying' leaves - this happened 1 year or 2 back - then a well established tree. I cut the 'tree/bush' to nearly ground level. It has since regrown from the hard cut back - seemed to be doing well up to a few weeks ago. Will it do the same next year? Any comments welcome. As always will be appreciated. John S
24/9/21 - Sorry about the delay. Thank you for your previous responses - I have added two more pics. As suggested 'a freshly cut stem/branch' and 'infested' leaves - doesn't look to hopeful to me! - does this help with a diagnosis? Appreciate any further comments. John S.
- 20 Sep, 2021
Have a look at Verticillium Wilt. Could be the answer.
22 Sep, 2021
Previous question
is it just on one branch? Its hard to tell from the photo.
When you cut it back did the wood/stems have any discolouration /dark rings?
20 Sep, 2021